Albert K. Smiley’s late 19th century vision that
Eminent men and women shall meet at Mohonk to discuss great national and international questions that pertain to the betterment of the world…

… became Keith Smiley’s late 20th century mission for Mohonk Consultations:
To bring people of diverse perspectives to Mohonk to discuss practical means to sustain the Earth’s resources, including people.
Mohonk Consultations’ programs—full-day conferences, half-day forums, and awards— engage our regional communities in dialogue and plans of action on pressing environmental and social issues vital to the Hudson River Valley that are often reflected in national and global challenges.
To widen the base of citizen engagement, program participants represent a range of sectors and backgrounds, including local government, community organizations, higher education, business, and the interested public. This diversity and the opportunity to exchange ideas from a range of viewpoints and experiences enrich the dialogue and the potential for practical response. Over the years, programs have addressed topics such as fresh water protection; global climate change; farming and food security; environmental values; and human conflicts and their ties to social, economic, and environmental issues.
The historic Mohonk Mountain House Parlor usually serves as the meeting place for forums and achievement awards. Full-day conferences ordinarily meet in the Mountain House Conference Center. Videos from many of our program events are recorded and available to view on the Mohonk Consultations YouTube Channel.
Student Attendance at Our Events
Mohonk Consultations values student participation in our events, and usually offers a discounted registration rate. However, if the costs still pose a financial challenge for you or your class group, here are some tips for funding your registration fee.
• Research whether your school can cover your conference registration. Sources might include school departments or clubs related to the subject of the conference, or offices, such as student affairs, student life, dean of students, etc. It’s quite likely that funds are available, so ask around.
• Hold a fundraiser. Get creative!
• If you still come up short, get in touch and we’ll see if we can help (info@mohonk-consultations.org).